
Auto Search Suite


Auto Searh Suite is a custom magento2 Search plugin, which provides you a lot of features like Auto Search, Category Search , Attribute Search, Recent Search and Popular Search as a single component.


Basic Search:
* This Feature includes Product Search based on NAME,SKU, DESCRIPTION and ShortDescription.
* Admin configurations are also Available to Select/Deselect the Criteria of the basic Search

Category Search:
* This Search is used to Search for Categories based on the Text Entered in The TextBox
* The result is a List of Cateogry Path with Links

Recent Search:
* This Search is used to display the Recent Search Terms that have been searched all over the website.
* User can also restrict The number of search terms to be displayed( maximum 5)

Popular Search:
* This Feature is used to diplay the Popular terms that have been Searched all over the website
* User can also restrict The number of popular terms to be displayed( maximum 5)

Attribute Search:
* This is the most important feature, Where user can Select from a multi-Select, the Attributes Which are to be included in the Product Search
* The Attributes which have the Options: Searchable, visible on Frontend and Used in Product Listing are displayed in the List


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