
Sales & Budget Analytics For a US Pharmaceutical Company

A niche pharmacy company in USA wanted to build a data warehouse system, generate reports using Business Intelligence to gain insight on the company’s market share, product volumes and sales.


  • Automate the data load from excel files in-to data warehouse
  • Maintain the history tables for updated and deleted values
  • Create interactive reports for sales and budget with drill-down and filters


  • Load the excel data using SSIS package Control flow and data flow
  • Automate the SSIS packages by scheduled Jobs in SQL Agent
  • Maintain history data using SQL query
  • Interactive dashboard, which gives complete view of sales and budget details using Power BI
  • Implemented the filters such as year-wise, brand--wise, quarter-wise, sales vs budget
  • Created measures using DAX to achieve complex calculations for the required reports

Technology Stack

  • Server: MS SQL Server 2017
  • Languages: SQL and Data analysis expressions(DAX)
  • Tools: SSIS for ETL process and Power BI

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