
Ideaken-OpenAuth2.0 Integration

Ocean Academia portal a part of Schlumberger group, Canada wanted to leverage ideaken collaboration portal to encourage collaborative innovation within the organization.


  • Seamless migration to latest stable Ubuntu
  • Enhance platform to provide OpenAuth Integration framework
  • Upgrade features to enable quicker time-to-market and customizations
  • Maintenance and Support


  • Application source-base with minimal documentation provided ‘As Is’
  • Application current baseline of features/issues not available
  • Business need to launch OpenAuth framework in short time-frame


  • Application walk-through with business to gain knowledge
  • Code walk-through and peer-programming to ramp-up team knowledge on source baseline
  • Document process followed for migration
  • Articulate OpenAuth process to enterprises for easier integration
  • Mock production move and parallel production environment to minimize down-time and risk mitigation

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